If you didn't did receive a Christmas Card from us this year don't be offended. We're still in the middle of our move so just enjoy the electronic version and pretend that it came in your mail box.
2010 with the Wildings
Enjoyed an awesome Las Vegas vacation - Brad Karen Millie Nattie
Helps with the Young Men at church - Brad
"Super" is her favorite and most used adjective - Millie
Celebrated 8 years of marriage in Hawaii - Brad Karen
Moved to New York State - Brad Karen Millie Nattie
LOVES going to Nursery - Millie Nattie
Willing to host anyone who comes to visit - Brad Karen
Fell into a fountain on Temple Square - Nattie
Got "lost" on an elevator in Milwaukee - Millie
Now own an SUV - Brad Karen
Started wanting to sit on the “toy-yet” (toilet)- Nattie
Drove from Idaho to New York - Brad Karen Milllie Nattie
Excited to be getting a new little sister - Millie Nattie
Takes a special interest in teasing her sister - Nattie
Likes going on Daddy-daughter dates - Brad Millie
Attended the Macy's Day Parade in NYC -Brad Karen Millie Nattie
Due with baby girl #3 February 16, 2011 - Karen
Wishes everyone a wonderful Christmas - Brad Karen Millie Nattie
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Card
Posted by Karen at 6:43 PM 8 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
another video
Blogger is struggling to upload the videos I took. Here's one of the Main floor of the house. And the basement
Posted by Karen at 8:24 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
A little tour
We left Idaho on Sept. 18th today is Dec. 15th and our first day in our new house. After almost 90 days of being in transition we're excited to be home! (Even though our stuff won't be here until Monday.) I did a little video tour of the house. DISCLAIMER I'm not a cinematographer! You get what you get. Yes, some of the wallpaper will have to go eventually and the kitchen will be changing color but baby steps, people, baby steps.
If there is anything you want to see more of or have questions about let me know.
Posted by Karen at 5:17 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 6, 2010
Naughty or Nice?
Today at lunch I managed to break a little plate. Camille heard it and said, "What did you do?"
"Oh I just broke a plate."
"That's okay Mom, you can fix it." (Thanks for the vote of confidence)
"Well I don't think we can, look," I held up several pieces of the plate. Camille's eyes became big as saucers, "Oh Mom, I think Dad is going to be so upset with you when he gets home!"
I explained to her that is was just an accident and Dad would understand and not be mad. She looked pretty relieved but then said, "Santa is probably going to think that you've been being naughty, even though that was just an accident."
So dear Santa I'm not being naughty, please don't bring me a big ugly rock! (Camille's definition of coal.)
Here's Camillie trying hard to be good and Nattie being on the naughty side.
Posted by Karen at 12:57 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Big Apple
For Thanksgiving we took a trip with Brad's parents to New York City. Some of the highlights were:
A twilight cruise around Manhattan Waiting for our boat ride to begin
Time Square at night
Seeing the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall
Going to Macy's, The Rockefeller Center, Fifth avenue, and FAO Swartz
Riding the subway (The girls LOVE it)
Going up the Empire State building
Macy's Day parade / Central Park Parade watching in Central Park
We loved the big balloons Having more fun playing in the leaves than watching the parade
Seeing the Temple
Dinner with Brad's Uncle Steve, Aunt Dona, and their family
Camille with her second cousin and new friend, Emmaline.
We're truly blessed in our lives and so thankful for all the wonderful opportunities and adventures we have!
Posted by Karen at 4:00 PM 5 comments
Friday, November 19, 2010
Time for a trimming
Camille got her first haircut today. The straggly unevenness of her hair was really starting to bug me. Every time I've mentioned cutting her hair Brad would say, "I like it long, don't cut it." So, while he was at work today I didn't cut it, I just trimmed it. It was just a little trim about an inch off the bottom. I doubt anyone will be able to tell.
See not much!
P.S. Don't you love her outfit? Camille says it looks good because, "The dress and the shirt both have pink and purple on them so they match."
Posted by Karen at 10:37 AM 4 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
You were made to make a difference
You were made to make a difference
By Max Lucado & Jenna Lucado Bishop
This book was definitely written more for tweens and young teens. The message is good and applicable to all people however, the format and voice of the book is directed at a younger audience. If I were twelve I'd probably think it was awesome, if I were sixteen I'd think the format was a little on the "babyish" side. That being said 12 or 16 the message is great for tweens, teens, and adults. I especially like the chapter "No dropped calls". All about communication with God and prayers. That we need to stay connected to him. On page 42 I loved this paragraph,
"When you remember to take God everywhere you go, you will change--in a good way. He will help you be kinder to classmates who bug you. Obedient to the parents who get on your case. Enthusiastic about giving up your time or your money to help. God's love softens your heart. Changes your attitude. Makes you a new-and-improved version of your old self." This chapter seems to go hand in hand with the chapter "Unplug and tune in." My personal soapbox, we're all too plugged in and don't take time to enjoy the world or people around us. This chapter talks about how Satan doesn't need to get us to sin just to be plugged in and tune out God/people and then he is successful.
All in all a decent book, a worthy read if the format doesn't bother you.
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their Booksneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Posted by Karen at 6:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
but of course....a Halloween post!
So when you keep carved pumpkins inside a warm hotel room as opposed to on a cool Idaho porch they rot and start to smell quickly! (Our pumpkins only made it until Saturday night before I threw them out!)
The girls may just look like a Wizard and her cat but in actuality they were Gargamel and Azrael. To complete the ensemble I went as a Smurf. However, Brad wasn't here to take pictures of all of us together. The pictures I took of all of us with the camera's timer turned out a little too scary to share with the world. (Even for a Halloween post!The Smurf in them looked possessed or stoned.Yikes!) "Azrael" (Yes, black instead of brown.)
"Gargamel" (She wore pink shoes instead of red, close enough)
"Gargamel and Azrael"
Being nice to the cat.
Out to get the Smurfs!
We attended the ward's chili cook-off and trunk-or-treat. Both girls got really into it and could LOUDLY say "Trick or Treat!" More then half the time they remember to say thank-you without any prompting. Besides the buckets of candy from the party, one of our maids brought them little Halloween bags full of goodies, and the front desk also had a goody bag for them on Halloween morning. Needless, to say we've been running on sugar around here for the last 2 days! (I've got to find a place to hide the loot!) Diggin' in!
Posted by Karen at 7:57 AM 3 comments
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Pumpkin Patch Playgroup
I've been feeling a little down about not being able to put up my Halloween decorations and such this year. So when our "ward" playgroup said they were going to a pumpkin patch this week I knew we had to go. Besides the corn maze, hayride, awesome slides, jumping pillow, and donuts and cider, the girls each got to pick a pumpkin to bring home. The question is should we paint them, carve them, or just leave them original? Not quite tall enough!
Don't pick the green ones!
So many pumpkins to pick from.
Natalie's all business when it comes to pumpkin picking!
Posted by Karen at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Home Sweet New York
After a week's drive, a week in New York, a week back in Idaho, I'm finally back to New York for good. (Well, for a long while at least.)
We still live in a hotel but the girls and I have been spending our days house hunting. (Found a great one yesterday but We'd have to get it for the right price so I'm sure the search will continue.)
Here's a few pictures from our last days in Idaho and some of our new adventures thus far in New York.
Swinging at Grandma Donna's
"Riding" Oakey at Aunt Linda's Playing with the kitties
Hanging out in my closet. Empty laundry room
The girls' room all boxed up
The truck that took our stuff
Moving to our two-bedroom hotel room.
View from our room. (More for the beautiful fall colors not so much the apartment buildings!
Enjoying Karen's birthday cake
Watching Netflix
Love our swimming gear
Sunday we took a drive up to Lake George
We even climbed Pike's Peak And pyramids
18 months old
Enjoying the fall colors on Prospect Mountain
Posted by Karen at 7:11 AM 2 comments