Thursday, March 18, 2010

Not even close....

This is what I was going for:

and this is what I got! ( Yeah, count this one as a FLOP!)A little more tie-dyed than rainbow.


Melody said...

I'd eat them!

Mary said...

I saw those same rainbow cupcakes and thought about giving them a try. But now, I'm not sure I should!

Barb said...

I just had a disaster cookie baking incident. Now, tell me, how do you mess up baking chocolate chip cookies?!

Erin said...

If Karen can't do it, I don't think it's humanly possible. Those other pictures must be edited. :) But I bet they still tasted yummy!

MAK said...

Maybe not the effect you were going for but they still look prity cool if you ask me.

We'll see you next time Karen. Maybe one of thes days we'll actualy call and plan something just for us.

Valerie said...

Just blindfold your eaters.

Didi & Jason said...

They still look yummy. Although if you could master the color they would be amazing!

~AnnaMarie~ said...

Eh, tie dyed is awesome :)